Kapil Limited is a company dealing in ready-to-eat food products. Over the years; the earning potential of the company has gone up and it enjoys a good reputation. The Financial Manager is confident of the fact that not just the earnings of the current year; but of our future years are likely to be high. Identify the related factor of dividend decision being described in the given lines.

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Kapil Limited is a company dealing in ready-to-eat food products. Over the years; the earning potential of the company has gone up and it enjoys a good reputation. The Financial Manager is confident of the fact that not just the earnings of the current year; but of our future years are likely to be high. Identify the related factor of dividend decision being described in the given lines.


2.Stability of earnings

3.Stability of dividend

4.Growth prospects

Posted Date:-2021-02-22 08:13:15

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